ODEP News Brief
January 16, 2025
A Federal Roadmap for Making Data-Informed Decisions to Improve the Lives of Disabled People
To improve outcomes for people with disabilities, the federal government must gather the data needed to understand disabled people and their communities, identify the barriers they face and evaluate the effectiveness of policies and programs designed to address those barriers. Now a new report titled “Federal Evidence Agenda on Disability” offers a roadmap for the federal government to build additional evidence to support making data-informed decisions that positively impact the lives of disabled people. Use the link below to download and save the report, authored by the Disability Data Interagency Working Group and published by the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Supporting the Direct Care Workforce: A Report to Congress
Direct care workers (DCWs) play a vital role in the independence of people with disabilities, older adults, their families and others. DCWs’ work is indispensable, but the occupation faces a dire shortage, largely because of low wages, lack of benefits and limited upward mobility. To highlight and help address the workforce shortage, the Employment and Training Administration recently presented a report to Congress summarizing the challenges in the direct care workforce, for both workers and the individuals and families they serve. Developed in collaboration with ODEP and other federal agencies, the report also outlines steps that the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services have taken in response to these challenges, along with other potential solutions proposed by agencies and stakeholders.
New Resource! The Workplace Accommodation and Accessibility Policy Toolkit
Employers are increasingly recognizing the value of an inclusive workplace that welcomes all qualified workers, including people with disabilities. The foundation for building a disability-inclusive infrastructure is effective policy that supports not only hiring, but also retaining and advancing disabled workers over the long term. ODEP’s new resource, the Workplace Accommodation and Accessibility Policy Toolkit, offers step-by-step guidance for employers. Developed by the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) in collaboration with the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), the toolkit walks employers through the evaluation of their current practices and the creation of disability-inclusive policies. The toolkit also includes practical tools and sample policy language to support implementation efforts.
Equitable Transition Models: Improving Employment Opportunities for Disabled Youth
For young disabled people in Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota and New York, ODEP’s Equitable Transition Model demonstration grants are ramping up in 2025. The grants will fund states’ development of innovative, scalable programs to increase success in employment for multiply marginalized youth with disabilities ages 14 to 24. Check out the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) blog to read about new initiatives in each state.
Tapping Into Disabled Talent in Rural Communities: Webinar
Employers in rural communities, if you’re looking for workforce talent, we have a webinar for you. Join our Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) on Wednesday, January 22, at 2 p.m. ET, for “Tapping Into Disabled Talent in Rural Communities.” In this panel presentation, experts from the small business community, the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Training and Technical Assistance Center at Northern Arizona University, and the Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities at the University of Montana will discuss strategies you can use to recruit, hire, retain and advance disabled talent in rural communities.
WIOA Reporting to Improve Participant Services: A State Case Study
Multiple agencies and organizations support participants under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). To serve these participants effectively, agencies and organizations need to coordinate effectively—in part by collecting and sharing data regarding common customers. A new resource from ODEP’s WIOA policy development LEAD Center now helps state and local workforce staff improve services by promoting collaboration with key partners and reporting to funders. Titled “Case Study: Expanding Agency Partnerships to Improve Reporting and Participant Services,” the resource also includes details on exemplary partnership efforts in Wisconsin.
Framework to Increase CIE Through State Policy
Read the newly published “National Framework to Increase Competitive Integrated Employment Through State Policy.” This framework from ODEP’s National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network (NEON) initiative identifies barriers to increasing competitive integrated employment (CIE) and describes how policy and practice can promote CIE at the state level throughout the nation. ODEP enlisted government leaders and other experts to develop these considerations for action for all policymakers working to increase CIE.
This article was originally published by a www.dol.gov . Read the Original article here. .